“There’s no such thing as bad press …”

… or is there?

My immigrant, entrepreneur, larger-than-life dad used to say this line when I was growing up, and finish it off with, “… just don’t forget to spell my name right.”

Well Dick Widger, you are remembered with love and light, and let’s give your quote today’s spotlight.

“Public relations” as defined by Oxford English Dictionary

Oxford English Dictionary definition of “public relations”

P.T. Barnum’s actual quote, “There is no such thing as bad publicity,” is complemented by Oscar Wilde’s version, “There’s only one thing in the world worse that being talked about, and that’s not being talked about.”

Generally, these ideas are what have been fueling public relations machines for the last hundred years. Yes, press coverage should celebrate unique products (in the case of celebrities, their own brand or talent), novel ideas, and innovative solutions.

But, let’s be honest, I am the first person to gawk at magazines, search Twitter hashtags, and even pay for access to one of Great Britain’s newspapers, vilified, for good reason, in Harry & Meghan.

If public relations campaigns and activations are meant to generate distinct and favorable impressions in people’s minds, the aforementioned channels actually profit most from negativity.

With Balenciaga in the headlines for their spring/summer 2023 campaign, my question of the week is: is the brand dead? Can it recover from this public relations case study?

Released on November 16, 2022, the S/S ‘23 “Gift Shop” ad campaign sparks outrage

Balenciaga "“Garde Robe” campaign with Supreme Court ruling in the background

On November 16, Balenciaga released their spring/summer 2023 ad campaigns, titled, “Gift Shop” and “Garde Robe”.

One of the campaign photographers, Gabriele Galimberti shot the photos of the children holding “handbags” for Gift Shop.

Another photographer captured the “office theme,” which is what is garnering the most attention. As part of “garde robe” photo shoot, a published campaign photo has a page from the Supreme Court ruling of United States vs. Williams in the photo’s background. This ruling concluded the promotion of child pornography illegal and not protected under freedom of speech/the First Amendment.

On November 24, Balenciaga issued statements, the first generally about the campaign, and the second addressing the ruling in the photo.

Balenciaga statement re s/s ‘23 ad campaign

So sooo sorry


“We strongly condemn abuse of children in any form. We stand for children’s safety and well-being,” the brand also said.

Ok so public apology? Check

Then some public relations genius decided, “let’s go on the offensive.” To that end, the next day, on Novemeber 25, Balenciaga filed a $25 million lawsuit against North Six, the campaign production company, and Nicolas Des Jardins, the “Garde Robe” set designer.

Can we just hit pause for a second?

The two campaigns, Gift Shop, and Garde Robe, both have problems. Many are focusing on the second, with the ruling in eyesight, but the image they see in their heads is that of the teddy bears in harnesses. The public is grouping them both together; one more check for the brand: distraction.

Oh and a lawsuit. Specifically for $25 million against the Gift Shop producers at North Six, and Nicolas Des Jardins, the set designer of Garde Robe.

Three days later another brand statement saying they “take responsibility” for the “series of grievous errors” and they would be dropping the lawsuit agains Monsieur Des Jardins and North Six.

Seemingly take responsibility? Check

Well it was not enough for Lizzy Savetsy. She posted the picture leading off this entry with an instagram statement:

I am not “reevaluating” my opinion of Balenciaga. As a mother, as a human, I have zero tolerance for any questionable behavious towards children. I am appalled and disgusted by the brand’s exploitation of innocent children, which I’ve come to learn, clearly pushes an agenda of pedophilia? To claim they were unaware is a complete farce. I cannot unsee what I have seen. With the horrific knowledge of this inexcusable action, which has layers upon layers of darkness, I feel a responsibility to speak out and say NO! I am disturbed that I purchased and promoted pieves from this brand. I am disheartened that such evil can exist in such unexpected places. You will find my Balenciaga pieces in the garbage! #Balenciaga

Ok, great. I’ve been following Lizzie for a few years on instagram because I like her colorful clothes, but as Kanye said, no real celebrities were talking about the Balenciaga situation. Reeeeeally?

But what about Kim? In an unfortunate timing release of the latest “The Kardashians” show on Netflix, Kim flies to Paris with her mom and daughter to walk in the brand’s couture runway show. Kim has been rocking Balenciaga for years, thanks to her introduction years ago by Kanye.

Kim K in all her monochrome Balencia couture’ness

It took Kim six days after the scandal broke to say she was just doing her due diligence.

Kim Kardashian instagram comment to her brand partner’s scandal

So celebrities ARE talking about this, Ye.

Back to my point. How much will this really affect Balenciaga? In the short term, there are discount racks and celebrity garbage bags full of the designs as I type.

But what about the long-term implications?

I really believe only time will tell. Because I can guarantee those bear “handbags” are going to be worth a lot of money one day. However gross that may be.