Ashleigh Walls

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“famine of peace”

🎄Merry Christmas 2022🎄

Today Pope Francis delivered his tenth Christmas address since assuming the papacy. His focus was the war in Ukraine and how food is being weaponized against innocent civilians.

His words about there being a “famine of peace” wrung true for me.

Last night I spent Christmas Eve at the home of new friends that I know will be lifelong ones. I was welcomed into their Christmas Eve celebration with love and holiday cheer. And great mashed potatoes!

Despite me telling my dining companion I am going into 2023 with limited expectations (I laughed at myself, in hindsight, and my fervent belief 2020 was going to be my best year yet lol), these friends, and so many others, had no shortage of peace and welcoming vibes in their hearts towards me.

My hope for 2023 is we all do our part to move the needle in the right direction against today’s “famine of peace.” 🙏🏼