Ashleigh Walls

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Bye bye monolith

A Las Vegas monolith, about which Las Vegas police offer said today, “It remains unknown how the item got to its location or who might be responsible,” has been removed.

I find this story particularly captivating, and a bit nostalgic, as the pandemic, and what we all endured during 2020 and 2021, have been on the brain lately.

A lot of strange news dominated the headlines in 2020; pandemic lockdown binge of The Tiger King, anyone? Monoliths popping up around the world? Sign me up for a pandemic worm hole of internet searches.

Back to today. It’s 2024 and these strange pillars continue to mystify and pop up without explanation.

Las Vegas Police captioned the image above on social media with an engaging, “HOW did it get up there??”.

If you've seen "2001: A Space Odyssey," directed by the legendary Stanley Kubrick, you'll remember the imposing black monoliths that appear throughout the film. These enigmatic structures, created by an unseen alien species, are based on the writings of Arthur C. Clarke, and have left a lasting impression on audiences.

About four years ago real-life monoliths, similar to those in the movie, started appearing in various locations around the world. One of the first was discovered in the Utah desert by a helicopter pilot flying overhead in November 2020, leaving local authorities puzzled. Around the same time, other monoliths popped up in Romania, California, and even on the Isle of Wight in the English Channel.

There was a lot of speculation about who might be behind these mysterious structures. Some people thought they might be part of an elaborate art installation, but no one has come forward to claim responsibility.

Last March another monolith appeared on a hilltop in Wales. Observers noted that the sculpture looked perfectly level, but, like the others, it offered no clues as to who placed it there.

While the mystery of the monoliths remains unsolved, Las Vegas authorities took the opportunity with the latest discovery in Nevada to remind hikers to be prepared for the desert's hot weather and to stay safe during their adventures.

Keep an eye out on my blog for more intriguing stories and updates from around the world!