Ashleigh Walls

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What a day

Twitter is blowing up about President Zelensky’s Congressional address tonight and how eloquent and inspiring he was. I found myself wondering how many hours are in this man’s days? In the last 24, he has been on the front lines of his country’s war, made his way to D.C. to meet with President Biden, and inspired the world during his address to a joint session of Congress, in near perfect English.

December 21, winter solstice, is the shortest day of the year. Thank goodness. Today happens to be an ex I am maybe-still-thinking-about’s birthday, so I’m glad the day is a short one. It means less time for me to worry about how not to text him.

Wait, a public blog you say? Yes, I highly doubt his fraternity brothers will sort through my posts to find this little diamond in the rough. Nothing against the EX brotherhood, of course.

Back to my point. Tonight President Zelensky was inspiring. He thanked the United States Congress and the U.S. people for financial and moral support, he reminded the global community there are struggles on the other side of oceans, and he asked not for charity, he asked for an investment in freedom.

It was a brilliant speech with impeccable delivery. All my best to you, Mr. President, and your resilient countrymen.