Ashleigh Walls

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The ceremony of this weekend

Happy Cinqo de Drinqo 2023

There’s a lot to be thankful for today, to raise a glass to, if you will.

Covid 19 is no longer a global health emergency. The World Health Organization said today (queue gavel banging acoustics) marks the end of the that time in our lives we all seemingly aren’t ready to collectively talk about yet. It’s a bit of a symbolic-future-jeopardy question kind of date. In my opinion.

7 million deaths are attributed to Covid 19. That’s a lot of people. 1,211 days from January 10, 2020 to today. The whole thing really still flares anxiety for me so

👆🏼see above

let’s table for now.

Long story short, cheers to the “end” of Covid! 😬🥂

There are also a lot of gin and tonics being poured around the U.K. tonight. #thisdayinhistory

Tomorrow morning at 2am my daughter and I are waking up to don our fascinators and watch the coronation of King Charles III.

I, as a mere mortal, can use the word “ceremony” in a blog post, but it’s fair to say the first carriage riders, Prince of Wales, Princess of Wales, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis, will all forget more than I will ever know in this lifetime about “ceremony.”

I saw photos today of pre coronation reception attendants. You know, the welcome to my promotion party’s party. Except for real life Princess and Princesses and Kings and Queens, and Heads of State, and

Lol to think a few days ago the Met Gala invite was coveted.

With those in attendance including the King of Sweden, Crown Princess of Greece, King and Queen of Tongo, Princess of Serbia, Duchess of Brabant, Sultan of Brunai, King of Jordan … my point is, can you even imagine the level of security clearance needed to coordinate an event like this?!?

So on this first Friday of May 2023, cheers to ceremony, for the sake of the past, and future too.

And can we talk about that stage coach?!