Arty Party

My friend, Jessica, is an amazing photographer. I didn't know her when she was a practicing lawyer but I'm sure she was great at that too. Check her out on Instagram: @feedmywanderlust

I appreciate art. I appreciate most mediums and can even speak about it a little bit.  Growing up my parents had oil paintings, some antiques and a few bronze works that had a lot of sentimental value from the horse industry and my family history. I took AP Art History my junior year at Dwight-Englewood (Mrs. DeVito shout-out) and went on the summer trip she and her husband hosted for us in Italy. (I need to find those photos!)

I have acquired a few pieces (paintings) but, let's be honest, my money is mostly spent on lego sets these days!

I love photography as art. My only hesitation in making a significant purchase is that I always think with photography there could be copies abound. I'm learning, though, that photography takes a process, just like any other medium. Proportions, revisions, framing … it all matters. 

I went to Jess' opening today for "Ethereal" at Winston Wachter Fine Art. It was such a great space, with amazingly fun works on display. If you're not in Seattle, check out some of her work here: Jessica Cantlin